Once you have completed all Courses the program Exam will become available. It is a Closed Book exam, and it must be taken in one sitting with a maximum of 2 hours to complete.

Please do not start the exam unless you are confident that you have a full 2 hours of uninterrupted Internet connection available to complete the exam. Remember that the final exam cannot be put on hold. It must be completed in one sitting.

From the moment you click to begin the exam, you will have to answer approximately

120 multiple-choice questions covering all phases of your curriculum. Some questions may appear to have more than one right answer, but there is only one correct answer per question.

If required, you can mark a question to review it later and move on to the next question. As you progress with the exam, the on-screen menu will show you the total amount of questions, how many have been answered, and time remaining. 

The current minimum pass required is 80% for both the Practitioner Level and Advanced Practitioner Level.

 The exam could be retaken once, free of charge, during your 12-month license period. Any additional retakes will incur a fee of $100.